
Liszt: Sonata in B minor / Busoni: Elegies

Bryce Morrison writes: ‘I first heard David play the Busoni Elegies at London’s Queen Elizabeth Hall. I also heard his earlier recording of the Liszt Sonata.

These performances, as cogent as they were lucid and powerful, have long stayed in my memory, yet they are far excelled by Delphian’s present offering. Here, surely, is blazing confirmation of what Sir Michael Tippett once called “the immense effort of interpretation”, by means of a rare communicative vividness and force.

In a time of increasing musical homogeneity David Wilde’s Liszt and Busoni stand out for their very special drama and integrity.’

"Wilde's love of this music is transparent … he throws caution to the wind"

"this is music-making demanding to be heard. Busoni’s music remains not as known as it should be (Wilde is an outstanding guide to it) – and while Liszt’s Sonata has many claimants among pianists, Wilde has much to say about this titanic masterpiece that is his and his alone."

"In the Liszt Sonata, Wilde’s authority and drive bring palpable excitement to the bravura sections and allow the yearning D major theme and the soft, slow-moving scales prior to the Fughetta plenty of lingering room."

"Wilde lives up to his name in Liszt's B minor Sonata - a blustery opening blows away the heavy-browed Busoni with reckless bravado, before settling into a performance heaving with free-flowing passion, power and zeal. The raw sound quality might not be to everyone's taste, but it grows on you."

"David Wilde gives one of the most intense and involving performances of Liszt’s Sonata in B minor that I’ve heard."

"What makes this CD an essential recommendation for the smallish but devoted band of Busoni fans is Wilde’s totally absorbing account of the infrequently played Elegies of 1907."


Release Date: 16 July 2007
Catalogue No: DCD34030
Total playing time: 1:17:42
Recorded on 14-16 June 2005 at Reid Concert Hall, University of Edinburgh
Producer & Engineer: Paul Baxter
24-bit digital editing: Paul Baxter
24-bit digital mastering: Paul Baxter
Design: John Christ
Photography: Paul Baxter

Album Booklet

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